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Nicolaus Olahus: Epistulae. Pars Ⅰ. 1523–1533

Nicolaus Olahus: Epistulae. Pars Ⅰ. 1523–1533

Olahus, Nic­o­laus. Epis­tu­lae: 1523–1533. Edi­dit, int­ro­du­xit et com­men­ta­ri­is inst­ru­xit Emő­ke Rita Szi­lá­gyi. 1. Bib­li­ot­he­ca Scrip­to­rum Me­dii Re­cen­tis­que Ævo­rum. Se­ri­es Nova 19. Bu­da­pest: re­ci­ti, 2018.

Mik­lós Oláh (1493–1568) is one of the most pro­mi­nent hu­ma­nists of the 16th cent­ury. Apart from his li­ter­ary ac­ti­vity (book of let­ters, his­to­ri­cal works, and po­ems), his fame is bas­ed on his po­li­ti­cal and ecc­le­sia­s­ti­cal ca­re­er. He re­for­med the ope­ra­tions of the Hun­ga­ri­an Ro­yal Chan­cel­lery, and his pat­ron­age, book coll­ec­ti­on, and or­ga­ni­za­ti­o­nal ta­lent made him well-known far and wide. Af­ter the batt­le of Mo­hács, he left Hun­gary and spent the 1530s ye­ars in the Net­her­lands on the side of Qu­een Mary of Habs­burg, whe­re he groun­ded his lat­ter ca­re­er. The cur­rent vo­lu­me is pub­lish­ing the cri­ti­cal edi­ti­on of his early cor­res­pon­den­ce: from the be­g­in­ning to the end of 1533 when he had al­re­ady fit­ted to the life in Brus­sels. Ac­cord­ing to the plans, two ot­her vo­lumes will be pub­lis­hed of his la­ter cor­res­pon­den­ces. This vo­lu­me will be ava­i­lab­le free of char­ge both in prin­ted and in pdf for­mat. What is more, the prin­ted vers­ion will be fol­lo­wed by an on­line vers­ion as well, and so let­ters that may po­ten­ti­ally sur­face la­ter can be ad­ded to the on­line edi­ti­on.

Bib­li­ot­he­ca Scrip­to­rum Me­dii Re­cen­tis­que Aevo­rum (BSMRÆ)

A so­ro­zat cél­ja el­ső­sor­ban a kö­zép­ko­ri és kora új­ko­ri ma­gyar­or­szá­gi és ma­gyar vo­nat­ko­zá­sú la­tin nyel­vű iro­da­lom em­lé­ke­i­nek hoz­zá­fér­he­tő­vé té­te­le a tu­do­má­nyos ku­ta­tás szá­má­ra. Ju­hász Lász­ló ala­pí­tot­ta 1930-ban, irá­nyí­tá­sá­val 1946-ig 39 kö­te­te je­lent meg. A so­ro­zat 1976-ban in­dult újra (Se­ri­es Nova), szer­kesz­tő­je Pir­nát An­tal és Szö­ré­nyi Lász­ló. 1992-től Szö­ré­nyi Lász­ló Pa­jo­rin Klá­rá­val, 2006-tól Bé­kés Eni­kő­vel. 2009-től Déri Ba­lázs szer­kesz­té­sé­ben al­so­ro­zat in­dult Mo­nu­men­ta Ri­tu­a­lia Hun­ga­ri­ca cím­mel, a kö­zép­ko­ri ma­gyar li­tur­gi­kus ha­gyo­mány em­lé­ke­i­nek meg­je­len­te­té­sé­re.